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Application service provider

An application service provider (ASP) is a business that provides computer-based services to customers over a network. Software offered using an ASP model is also sometimes called On-demand software or software as a service (SaaS). The most limited sense of this business is that of providing access to a particular application program (such as customer relationship management) using a standard protocol such as HTTP.

The need for ASPs has evolved from the increasing costs of specialized software that have far exceeded the price range of small to medium sized businesses. As well, the growing complexities of software have led to huge costs in distributing the software to end-users. Through ASPs, the complexities and costs of such software can be cut down. In addition, the issues of upgrading have been eliminated from the end-firm by placing the onus on the ASP to maintain up-to-date services, 24 x 7 technical support, physical and electronic security and in-built support for business continuity and flexible working.

The importance of this marketplace is reflected by its size. As of early 2003[update], estimates of the United States market range from 1.5 to 4 billion dollars. Clients for ASP services include businesses, government organizations, non-profits, and membership organizations.

Provider types
There are several forms of ASP business. These are:

A specialist or functional ASP delivers a single application, such as credit card payment processing or timesheet services;
A vertical market ASP delivers a solution package for a specific customer type, such as a dental practice;
An enterprise ASP delivers broad spectrum solutions;
A local ASP delivers small business services within a limited area.
Some analysts identify a volume ASP as a fifth type. This is basically a specialist ASP that offers a low cost packaged solution via their own website. PayPal was an instance of this type, and their volume was one way to lower the unit cost of each transaction.

In addition to these types, some large multi-line companies (such as IBM), use ASP concepts as a particular business model that supports some specific customers.

[edit] The ASP model
The application software resides on the vendor's system and is accessed by users through a web browser using HTML or by special purpose client software provided by the vendor. Custom client software can also interface to these systems through XML APIs. These APIs can also be used where integration with in-house systems is required.

Common features associated with ASPs include:

ASP fully owns and operates the software application(s)
ASP owns, operates and maintains the servers that support the software
ASP makes information available to customers via the Internet or a "thin client"
ASP bills on a "per-use" basis or on a monthly/annual fee
The advantages to this approach include:

Software integration issues are eliminated from the client site
Software costs for the application are spread over a number of clients
Vendors can build more application experience than the in-house staff
Key software systems are kept up to date, available, and managed for performance by experts
Improved reliability, availability, scalability and security of internal IT systems
A provider's service level agreement guarantees a certain level of service
Access to proct and technology experts dedicated to available procts
Rection of internal IT costs to a predictable monthly fee.
Redeploying IT staff and tools to focus on strategic technology projects that impact the enterprise's bottom line
Some inherent disadvantages include:

The client must generally accept the application as provided since ASPs can only afford a customized solution for the largest clients
The client may rely on the provider to provide a critical business function, thus limiting their control of that function and instead relying on the provider
Changes in the ASP market may result in changes in the type or level of service available to clients
Integration with the client's non-ASP systems may be problematic
Evaluating an Application Service Provider security when moving to an ASP infrastructure can come at a high cost, as such a firm must assess the level of risk associated with the ASP itself. Failure to properly account for such risk can lead to:

Loss of control of corporate data
Loss of control of corporate image
Insufficient ASP security to counter risks
Exposure of corporate data to other ASP customers
Compromise of corporate data
Some other risks include failure to account for the financial future of the ASP in general, i.e. how stable a company is and if it has the resources to continue business into the foreseeable future. For these reasons Cisco Systems has developed a comprehensive evaluation guideline. This guideline includes evaluating the scope of the ASP's service, the security of the program and the ASP's maturity with regard to security awareness. Finally the guidelines indicate the importance of performing audits on the ASP with respect to:

Port/Network service
Application vulnerability
ASP Personnel
Physical visits to the ASP to assess the formality of the organization will provide invaluable insight into the awareness of the firm.

[edit] History
In terms of their common goal of enabling customers to outsource specific computer applications so they can focus on their core competencies, ASPs may be regarded as the indirect descendants of the service bureaus of the 1960s and 1970s. In turn, those bureaus were trying to fulfill the vision of computing as a utility, which was first proposed by John McCarthy in a speech at MIT in 1961.

ASP( Application Service Provider,應用軟體租賃服務提供者 )即是指「透過網路以租賃方式提供應用軟體服務的業者」,即是指業者以應用軟體為主體,透過網路一對多地傳遞服務,這種以服務為主的交易模式促使企業可藉由租賃的方式,以更符合成本效益的方式擁有軟體的使用權,並且亦能因為業者集中式的管理而大幅降低企業維護的成本.
基本上,ASP即具有「軟體服務化,服務網路化」,「資訊委外服務與網路結合」與「產品通路化,通路產品化」等三大特性,其甚至可以被視為是ISP(Internet Service Provider)與ITS(Information Technology Service)的結合.
a. ASP著重應用為中心,提供對於應用方面的訪問和管理。
b. ASP服務可以為用戶提供沒有在伺服器、人員、系統和系統授權等前期資源投入情況下就可以在「定製」的全新應用系統環境進行訪問的服務,如ISP,而這樣的服務一般按月份ASP收取服務費。
c. ASP採用集中管理的方式---ASP一般都有一個管理中心,所有的客戶通過INTERNET來進行遠程訪問,獲得技術支持和咨詢服務。
d. 一對多的服務,也就是講,ASP提供的是標准化的產品包,產品都是最低程度的自定義或者沒有實現客戶定製化,對於行業用戶來講已經達到實用方便的標准。
e. 按照合同交付,在ASP客戶的眼中,ASP是一家根據客戶協議內容提供相關服務,保證應用服務系統服務可以得到確實履行的機構。
2. ASP為什麼會火?
3. ASP的發展階段和面臨的問題