『壹』 为什么唯品会网址后面会出现/ref=360
『贰』 IE10浏览器。下载地址。
『叁』 IE浏览器,get方式提交字符转码
『肆』 HTTP referer的作用。
简言之,HTTP Referer是header的一部分,当浏览器向web服务器发送请求的时候,一般会带上Referer,告诉服务器我是从哪个页面链接过来的,服务器籍此可以获得一些信息用于处理。比如从我主页上链接到一个朋友那里,他的服务器就能够从HTTP Referer中统计出每天有多少用户点击我主页上的链接访问他的网站。 Referer其实应该是英文单词Referrer,不过拼错的人太多了,所以编写标准的人也就将错就错了。 Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")的用法(防外连接) 下列情况是从浏览器的地址栏正常取得Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"): 1) 直接用<a href=""> 2) 用Submit或<input type="image">提交的表单(POST或GET) 3) 使用javaScript提交的表单(POST或GET) 下面我们再看看Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")不能正常取值的情况: 1) 从收藏夹链接 2) 单击主页或自定义的地址 3) 在浏览器中直接输地址 4) 使用JavaScript的Location.href或者是Location.replace() 5) <%Response.Redirect%> 6) <%Response.AddHeader%>或者是<mete http-equiv="refresh">转向 7) 用XML加载地址 防外链代码例子(C#): if (Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_REFERER"] == null || !Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_REFERER"].ToString().Contains(Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"].ToString())) { Server.Transfer("Error.aspx"); } =========================================================== 下列情况是从浏览器的地址栏正常取得Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")的: 1.直接用<a href> 2.用Submit或<input type=image>提交的表单(POST or GET) 3.使用Jscript提交的表单(POST or GET) 下面我们再看看Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")不能正常取值的情况: 1.从收藏夹链接 2.单击'主页'或者自定义的地址 3.利用Jscript的location.href or location.replace() 4.在浏览器直接输入地址 5.<%Response.Redirect%> 6.<%Response.AddHeader%>或<meta http-equiv=refresh>转向 7.用XML加载地址 显然,Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")在多数情况下是不能正常工作的,下面我们看一个例子: ref.asp <% response.write "You came from: " & request.servervariables("http_referer") %> ref.htm <% Response.AddHeader "Refresh", "10;URL=ref.asp" %> <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='10;URL=ref.asp'> <form method=GET action=ref.asp name=getform> <input type=submit value=' Go there (GET) >> '> <input type=image style='cursor:hand'> </form><p> 看看上面的代码会得到什么的结果. <form method=POST action=ref.asp name=postform> <input type=submit value=' Go there (POST) >> '> <input type=image style='cursor:hand'> </form><p> <a href='ref.asp'>直接链接</a><p> <a href='#' onclick='window.location.href="ref.asp";return false;'>Javascript location</a><p> <a href='#'onclick='window.location.replace("ref.asp");return false;'>Javascript replace</a><p> <a href='#' onclick='document.getform.submit();return false;'>javascript GET</a><p> <a href='#' onclick='document.postform.submit();return false;'>javascript POST</a> Request.ServerVariables(HTTP_REFERER)的工作方式 在JSP中获取REFERER的方式是:request.getHeader("REFERER"); 在php中获取REFERER的方式是:$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
『伍』 网址格式的种子怎么下载 用这个举个例子 详细点 谢谢
『陆』 IE浏览器问题,http:///nhds/ipc.jspref=1
『柒』 http:///nhds/ipc.jspref=1是什么东西
都会莫名跳到 http:///nhds/ipc.jsp?ref=1
『捌』 浏览器劫持,打开连接的时候经常跳到淘宝的一个店面上还有一个什么游戏的网站
『玖』 如何用wpf编写一document viewer个文档浏览器
<FlowDocumentPageViewer Margin="10" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1">
IsOptimalParagraphEnabled="True" IsHyphenationEnabled="True"
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<Bold>Neptune</Bold> (planet), major planet in the solar system, eighth planet
from the Sun and fourth largest in diameter. Neptune maintains an almost constant
distance, about 4,490 million km (about 2,790 million mi), from the Sun. Neptune
revolves outside the orbit of Uranus and for most of its orbit moves inside the
elliptical path of the outermost planet Pluto (see Solar System). Every 248 years,
Pluto’s elliptical orbit brings the planet inside Neptune’s nearly circular orbit
for about 20 years, temporarily making Neptune the farthest planet from the Sun.
The last time Pluto’s orbit brought it inside Neptune’s orbit was in 1979. In
1999 Pluto’s orbit carried it back outside Neptune’s orbit.
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Neptune has 72 times Earth's volume...
Width="285" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
<Table CellSpacing="5">
<TableColumn Width="155"/>
<TableColumn Width="130"/>
<TableCell ColumnSpan="3">
<Paragraph>Neptune Stats</Paragraph>
<TableRow Background="LightGoldenrodYellow" FontSize="12">
<Paragraph FontWeight="Bold">Mean Distance from Sun</Paragraph>
<Paragraph>4,504,000,000 km</Paragraph>
<TableRow FontSize="12" Background="LightGray">
<Paragraph FontWeight="Bold">Mean Diameter</Paragraph>
<Paragraph>49,532 km</Paragraph>
<TableRow Background="LightGoldenrodYellow" FontSize="12">
<Paragraph FontWeight="Bold">Approximate Mass</Paragraph>
<Paragraph>1.0247e26 kg</Paragraph>
<TableCell ColumnSpan="4">
<Paragraph FontSize="10" FontStyle="Italic">
Information from the
web site.
Astronomers believe Neptune has an inner rocky core that is surrounded by a vast
ocean of water mixed with rocky material. From the inner core, this ocean extends
upward until it meets a gaseous atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, and trace amounts
of methane. Neptune has four rings and 11 known moons. Even though Neptune's volume
is 72 times Earth’s volume, its mass is only 17.15 times Earth’s mass. Because of
its size, scientists classify Neptune—along with Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus—as
one of the giant or Jovian planets (so-called because they resemble Jupiter).
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<Paragraph FontStyle="Italic" Background="Beige" Foreground="DarkGreen" >
Neptune has an orbital period of ~20 years...
Mathematical theories of astronomy led to the discovery of Neptune. To account for
wobbles in the orbit of the planet Uranus, British astronomer John Couch Adams and
French astronomer Urn Jean Joseph Leverrier independently calculated the existence
and position of a new planet in 1845 and 1846, respectively. They theorized that the
gravitational attraction of this planet for Uranus was causing the wobbles in Uranus’s
orbit. Using information from Leverrier, German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle first
observed the planet in 1846.
『拾』 我现在有个这样的BT连接 Link URL: 。请问怎么下啊。
又是 哈哈哈这我也有啊 关键你不能用迅雷下它 你一下 就自动变成那样的 的 ,你下的时候第一次会弹出迅雷吧 那你就直接取消,然后再下一下,就会出现本地下载,然后你保存 就OK了 接下来 不用我说了吧哈啊